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Burleigh County
66th Street SE Overpass
Northgate Drive to Apple Creek Road

Project Details

The Environmental Group completed the NDDOT’s Programmatic Biological Assessment for an ND 14 project. The study area included approximately 160 acres. The environmental team conducted a habitat field survey for the northern Long-eared Bat and Dakota Skipper. This survey came after guidance provided by the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s document 2022 Dakota Skipper (Hesperia dacotae) North Dakota Survey Protocol. 

Since 2014, the Dakota Skipper, a jewel of the North Dakota prairies, has been listed as Threatened on the Endangered Species List. The Skipper plays a vital role in our ecosystem and is a  native species of the Dakotas and Minnesota. A rich local biodiversity is essential to support all life on earth. Creatures like these remind us of the importance of preserving our prairie habitats.

Project Type





Burleigh County, ND

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