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City of Minot
Burdick Expressway Reconstruction
9th to 15th Street SE

Project Details

This segment of Burdick Expressway (US Highway 2 Business) from 9th St SE to 15th St SE dated back to the 1920s. It was part of the original US Highway 2 route through Minot with the last major reconstruction over 50 years ago. Some of the city utilities and storm sewer were over 100 years old.

Apex Engineering Group contracted with NDDOT and the City of Minot to lead the preliminary design, final design, plan preparation and public involvement process. Apex provided construction administration and inspection services for both the road reconstruction and the city utility portion of the project.

The project reconstructed 0.35 miles to a 4-lane concrete roadway section with curb and gutter and sidewalks. The existing traffic signal at 9th St SE was replaced and the traffic signal at 13th St SE was removed and replaced with an overhead-mounted pedestrian crossing signal.

This project included new water main, new sanitary sewer and a new storm sewer trunk line system to serve the entire project corridor. Apex worked closely with the NDDOT, City of Minot and local businesses to establish a detour route for through traffic while maintaining access for the local businesses and residents during construction. Special consideration was given for access to Roosevelt Park Zoo and Corbett Field, which adjoin the corridor, as well as the North Dakota State Fair Parade Route which is normally through this segment of Burdick Expressway.

Project Type


Urban Street Reconstruction


NDDOT and City of Minot


Minot, ND

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