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City of St. Cloud - 1.5 Million Gallon Water Tower

Project Details

Apex was hired to conduct an in-depth analysis of St. Cloud’s water distribution system. The analysis focused on an area of south St. Cloud that was experiencing significant residential, commercial and industrial growth.


The study determined that improvements were needed to provide more consistent water pressure and flow during peak usage periods. It was suspected that bottlenecks in the existing distribution grid and the hydraulic capacity of a key transmission main were the cause of pressure and flow deficiencies when water use was high.


Using the study and modeling analysis as the basis for the recommended improvements, Apex prepared detailed design drawings and specifications for a new concrete composite elevated tank, utility site plan, grading and paving plans, electrical instrumentation, control and SCADA plans.


The Apex and the City worked together to select qualified tank manufacturers, advertise for bids and oversee the construction of the new 1.5 million-gallon elevated water storage tank on the south side of town.

This improvement to the City’s water distribution system provides consistent water pressure, flow and fire suppression for current and future developments. 

Additional Services

  • Permitting (storm, sanitary, water main)
  • SWWP Plan
  • FAA applications
  • Public involvement
Project Type

Drinking Water 




City of St. Cloud


St. Cloud, MN

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