Kubas Joins Apex Water Group

Headshot of Zach Kubas

Zach joins Apex as a Graduate Engineer in the Fargo water group. He graduated from North Dakota State University with a degree in civil engineering.

Apex Hired Fulgham

Headshot of James Fulgham

James joins Apex in Fargo as an Engineering Technician. Since June 2020, he has assisted the Apex water group as an intern working with computer-aided design.

Pearson Joined Apex
Survey Group

Headshot of Dylan Pearson

During the 2020 summer, Pearson was an Apex intern with the survey group. He now joins the team full-time as a survey technician.

Apex Hired Goetz

Headshot of Brandy Goetz

Brandy joins the Bismarck office as an Administrative Coordinator. She has eight years of experience in her field.