Apex Hires Konschak

Headshot of Austin Konschak

Austin joins Apex as a Graduate Engineer in the Bismarck water resources group.

Vatne Joins Apex Survey Group

Headshot of Hunter Vatne

Hunter Vatne, joins the team as a survey technician. He will work with design and construction surveys in addition to land boundaries.

Muscha 40 Under 40
Award Recipient

Headshot of Brent Muscha

Apex Engineering Group is pleased to announce Brent Muscha, transportation Project Manager, is a 2021 Prairie Business 40 Under 40 recipient.

2021 Tnemec Tank of the Year

We are excited to announce the City of Moorhead’s newly finished 750,000 water tank in south Moorhead was named Tnemec 2021 Tank of the Year!