Clagett Joins Apex
Levi joins Apex as a Graduate Engineer in the Bismarck water group.
Apex Hired Weisgarber
Caleb is a Graduate Engineer in the Bismarck Transportation Office.
Apex Hired Fletschock
Kim Fletschock joins Apex as our new Financial Accountant located in the Fargo office.
Apex Named 2019 50 Best Places to Work
We are thankful to our team for nominating us a Prairie Business magazine’s 50 Best Places to Work!
Apex Hired Bosch
Lelan joins Apex as a part of our electrical group in the Fargo office. He brings 4 years of experience.
Ruppert Joins Apex
Sam joins our Municipal Group in Detroit Lakes as a full-time graduate engineer.
Weber Earns PE License
We are happy to announce that Michael Weber has passed the exam and is an officially licensed Professional Engineer.
Liu Earned PE
Yang Liu is now a licensed Professional Engineer. Liu holds a Master’s in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in Water Resources Engineering.
Apex Hires Madsen
Tyler joins the Municipal Group in Detroit Lakes. His most recent experience includes working with the NDDOT.
Apex Hires Sletten
Dean joins as a Water Operations Specialist with over 30 years experience and a strong background in water chemistry, process troubleshooting…