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2017 Gold Star
Award Recipient

2017 Gold Star Award

Apex, in conjunction with Dickinson Ready Mix Co. (DRM), CW Structural Engineers and Winn Construction, was named the recipient of a 2017 Gold Star Award in the Commercial Category for the DRM Truck Washout Facility!

The project focused on providing a greener solution in operations for DRM. The carbon footprint of the building was reduced by using fly ash, a recycled product from coal power plants, as well as high R-value insulation and thermal mass analysis in the design. Operational sustainability was of great importance, and the facility implemented a recycling process that reduces the washout water usage from 2.7 million gallons to approximately 150,000 gallons per year. This not only provides conservation of an important resource, but also results in a large savings in operational costs. Lastly, the facility provides a safer environment for operators to clean out their trucks following use.

Congratulations to all those involved!

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