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Dickinson Water Reclamation Facility Awarded 2015 ACEC

Dickinson WRF Receives ND ACEC Water and Wastewater Award

Apex Engineering Group received the Water and Wastewater Engineering Excellence award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of North Dakota for their role on the Water Reclamation Facility in Dickinson, North Dakota.

This facility is the first of its kind in North Dakota, utilizing an innovative biological treatment technology and inventive solutions for biosolids thickening. The facility will treat water to some of the most stringent effluent standards in North Dakota to date.

The City of Dickinson has invested in the new Water Reclamation Facility to solve many complex challenges facing the region due to oil impacts such as: dynamic residential, commercial and industrial growth; water supply issues; wastewater treatment issues; septage waste disposal; limited personnel for operations; a new refinery with a waste stream and reuse water needs; and conservation of natural resources.

The facility protects the environment and allows continued responsible growth. This project conserves potable water supplies for domestic purposes and provides a reliable, renewable water source for industrial and commercial uses such as agricultural irrigation, refinery process water, and water for hydraulic fracturing. Dickinson will serve as a regional wastewater treatment facility able to help not only area communities faced with capacity and treatment issues but also the treatment of industrial refinery waste. The disposal of septage has been an issue in western North Dakota, with documented accounts of haulers illegally disposing of waste on roads and unpermitted fields. By providing a location for properly disposing of hauled waste, this facility will help preserve the environment and reduce pollution to natural resources.

The ACEC award recognizes engineering firms for projects that demonstrate an exceptional degree of innovation, complexity, achievement and value. The awards were presented at the May awards banquet in Bismarck.

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